Does Size Matter for Your Configure Price Quote (CPQ) Vendor?

As business is increasingly conducted in the cloud, a vendor’s size has taken a back seat to the quality of its product and customer service. Companies are turning their attention to how a vendor satisfies their evolving needs, and whether that vendor can help them accomplish their goals within a set budget. Smaller vendors such as SteelBrick excel at this.Configure Price Quote CPQ QuoteQuickly

SteelBrick doesn’t invest in ornamental lobby fountains. Instead, we pour our resources back into product development and customer satisfaction. And these values start all the way at the top:

Our CEO, Max Rudman, is so dedicated to making sure customers are happy that it is not unusual for him to take the occasional support call.

In other words, size doesn’t matter to us, but here’s what does:

  • Your needs. QuoteQuickly is our flagship product, not a second-string player. It is not a starter application designed to put you on a path to a more expensive solution down the road. Rather, it’s a solution that will work for you today and tomorrow, because we are ever nurturing and developing it, propelled by the changing needs and desires of our customers.

  • Customer satisfaction.  We care about our customers, and the best place for anyone to hear about QuoteQuickly is straight from them. Our customer satisfaction record is stellar. Today, we have 90 (and counting) satisfied customers succeeding with our solution. Ask them about the consistently high level of service we, as a “small” company, provide every day.

  • Great user experience. QuoteQuickly makes your life easier. Our quoting solution is native to the Salesforce platform, and has been specifically created for SMB and MM customers. We dare you to tell us where your Salesforce platform ends and QuoteQuickly begins.

  • Your bottom line.  Will any one vendor provide everything you need for your specific business model? Probably not. But when a vendor can give you 80-90% of what you want, and do it within your budget, then you’re in the black.

It’s understandable that you would be concerned about security, stability and reliability of service. Is your data safe, regardless of your CPQ vendor? Does the vendor have sufficient resources to properly run and maintain the data center? Is it doing backups regularly?

With SteelBrick, the answer is simple. We run on, so you have a $3B company doing all those things. Think of us as David standing on shoulders of Goliath. Plus, we offer escrow for our IP for extra peace of mind.

Sure, terms like “big” and “small” used to refer to a company’s physical size, the square footage of the building it occupies, and a headcount of employees on the payroll, but today, this is all too literal a definition. In a cloud-based business world, the size of a company is measured by its ability to satisfy its customers current needs, and to respond to future needs as they evolve. And in this sense, SteelBrick is as big as they come.

Get to know us. Check out a demo of QuoteQuickly and most important of all, customer reviews and experiences.

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